Monday, March 30, 2015


In this time of spring awakening and flowers spreading their petals, like bird feathers fluttering against the first warm breeze of the season, I think it is appropriate to discuss growth and blooming as humans.

We were all flowers.
We are all flowers.
Our bodies are made from the earth, the soil, and concentrated together over time to create a being of consciousness. Isn't it poetic, to realize that the beautiful buds you nurture in your garden are folded into each of your cells?

Everyday and every experience is an opportunity for growth. The only reason we see one situation as bad compared to another as good is due to our perception of it. Truly, every thing we are subject to in life is a neutral experience and we have the choice as to how we react to it.

Learning to direct our reactions in a more positive direction is growth. Learning to embrace every situation and express our true selves is blooming.

Growth and blooming take time, just as it takes time for your garden to grow in the spring. There are seasons of withering when we must retreat and take a good hard look at our inner selves. There are seasons of prosperity when we open our petals to the world and absorb the sunlight; when we take the warmth in and send it back in our own loving ways.

This is the cycle of life and it is perfectly natural and okay to have times where you aren't the most bubbly, smiley, rolling-like-you're-on-ecstacy person in the world. Seriously, you don't have to be like that all the damn time. It is called growth, and such an action goes through cycles.

This concept is best explained in one, non-English word: wabi-sabi.
Its definition is: the discovery of beauty in imperfection; acceptance of the cycle of life and death.

Love yourself and embrace your pattern of thriving. Find acceptance in life, in death, in imperfection.
Take a moment to look back on the last few years. Each time, have you grown back just a little bit taller? Have you planted new seeds that cultivated into some miraculous experiences? Find the good, and the good will keep coming. Give yourself gratitude for all the weeds you have pushed through to become the bright, bold blossom you are.

Happy spring my lovely goddesses,

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