Friday, March 27, 2015


As a society, we have been conditioned to always assume the worst: in people, in the future, in the intentions of others, in ourselves. How miraculously beautiful would it be if we all decided to instead always assume the best?

Seriously, imagine that?

Our relationships would, more than likely, flourish due to our release of nasty subconscious beliefs surrounding them. Assuming that he isn't responding because he isn't interested? That leads you, a gorgeous goddess like yourself, to then go down an insecure spiral. Instead, try simply believing, knowing, trusting in your light and the potential goodness in others as well. Perhaps that person who isn't responding is busy, eating, or dropped their phone in the toilet... you never know!

Our lives would simply flow better. It's called synchronicity. When we align ourselves with positive energy then our lives flow in that positive direction. Assuming the worst about our futures and the unknown automatically align us in a negative direction, which will only strengthen our false beliefs more. What would happen if you decided to just know that your life was going to be awesome? Nothing bad would happen, that's for sure. Even if you don't wholeheartedly believe it now, act like it. Tell yourself over and over how grateful you are for your current situation and how grateful, faithful you are in all the awesome adventures to come. Tell. Yourself. Endlessly. And then, watch it all manifest.

The more you assume and know that what you want in your life exists and that it is coming to you, the faster that which you desire manifests.

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