Saturday, April 9, 2016

Monthly Energy Report: From Nothing to Something

"It's dark because you're trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. It's the best advice ever given to me... to throw away your baggage and go forward." - Aldous Huxley 

Already April is off to a quick start with the full moon on the 7th. This lunation is incredibly powerful, even electric, due to the fact that it is conjuncting Uranus/Eris in Aries. The new moon is a when the last bits and pieces of a cycle are finally drained of their energy, thus folding into a pearl, an essence, an echo for the succeeding moments to expound upon; and what a cycle this has been. The last six months, following the Aries Full Moon Eclipse in September, have seen the likes of fog swarming into our lives, turning everything into a disarray of events, ideas, memories, and questions. It seems that life is going through the kick start similar to learning to drive manual: there are moments where the force in life starts something new, only to die out again for a period of time. Things may have started, shifted, and changed, letting you feel like you finally knew where everything was going and then to be left wondering what the hell happened again.

However, it takes practice to learn how to drive smoothly; how to shift gears in a flawless and smooth motion that doesn't feel like you're being jerked around. Thus is life, my friends. Whenever major shifts occur in the universe, effecting our planet, there is a gap- a space that can almost appear empty just because we've never experienced what is coming later down the road.

There are many spaces... and this seemingly "emptiness" can create a lot of panic, fear, or depression. For the majority of 2016, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter are in a T-square in Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo. Not only that, but Jupiter has been conjunct the North Node of the moon and will be coming back around in a few months, too. This all speaks of forces that appear to be extremely opposite or contradictory: Saturn is all about worries, fears, time, material life, hard effort, and pressure. Neptune and Jupiter, though, take roles of expansion; one acting like water that erodes away the boundaries of life, and the other reaching beyond the boundaries to create new perceptions.

The lesson?
Learning the meaning of "non-action" in its truest sense.

I'm sure most of you have heard the Buddhist idea of non action; however, I find that it has been drastically misconstrued, even though it may be the most necessary truth for all of us right now. Non action does not imply laziness or apathy. Quite the contrary. If we observe ourselves without thought, without judgement, and recognize the moments we seem to "forget ourselves", we find that there really is no "I". We've created a sense of being a perfectly separate, autonomous entity that makes choices; yet, the us the we think we are is merely that: thoughts, conditioned views, opinions, habitual beliefs, and electronic signals working throughout our brains to simulate an experience.

This may be frightening, or seem depressing. In fact, I first found it to be, too. Then, I began to understand what the Buddha meant when he said "there is no self" because we are actually just a conglomeration of energy/parts in the Universe. Therefore, we really aren't separate from it, but completely embedded with it to the point that we ARE the Universe. Our identities are simply a form for the Universe to express and experience itself! Now isn't that wonderful?

So, non action doesn't meant that there isn't something happening, but that there isn't a separate entity doing something all by itself. Everything is a dance of the energy of life; you can't mess up life and there isn't anything you can look at, feel, or experience (including your thoughts) that are not a part of this beautiful, perfect, mysterious Chaos. Through evolution, more and more people are seeing their energies moved to a place of awareness that allows them to see that there is no self; allows us to rest in the dance of life rather than resisting it. Non action actually allows us to be the most efficient and intuitive, which is the message of The North Node in Virgo, asking us to cultivate discernment and intelligence as how to interact with the myriad parts of the Mystery we're playing with.

This month (and generally this year as a whole), we are being called to settle the outside noise and listen to what's showing up. Aries may be known for being explosive, brash, and obvious; however, I beg to differ that Aries contains one of the most subtle energies of the zodiac, one of the most enigmatic. After the drop into the cosmic abyss of Pisces, something is seemingly born out of nothing in the Aries phase. Aries is like the pinpoint, the Big Bang, the question that everyone wonders about: how did the universe come to be? The fiery energy is like the most microscopic, illusive spark that resides in everything, including ourselves. This month, Mercury, Pluto, and Mars turn retrograde; following in the footsteps of an already retrograde Saturn and Jupiter. The flow of energy will warp inward for quite some time now, and this is the perfect space to feel that subtle spark mentioned above.

When we realize the spark of life within ourselves, how that expresses uniquely through us, and purge the fears inside us that block manifestation, then we will be able to exude the explosive creativity of Aries.

That's the goal folks.

Boy, it's been a wild ride for the beginning of 2016; and it's not over yet. There is emotional, mental, physical, and energetic purges happening personally and collectively as we transition from one game of reality to the next. We must embrace and cleanse the dense patterns of our past in order to gain true freedom and autonomy in this present moment ( Uranus); putting in swift, intuitive effort in the practice of letting go so that we may once again join the dance of life. It's all a learning curve baby!

Some things to practice this month:

- Meditate, reflect, or journal on the moments in your life that make you "lose yourself"; not in an escapist way, but rather quick flashes where you feel so entrenched in the present that you don't separate anything into labels and expectations. Writing a list of those peaceful, alive moments can help you when doubt about "who am I?" comes up.

- If you find yourself feeling aimless or deep in despair because life seems "meaningless" or without "purpose", go out in nature. Watch a world that doesn't need human order to be prosperous. Just observe how the wind moves, the plants grow, and the ocean fluctuates. Sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of the Universe being made in "Man's Image" that we forget we are not the precipice of creation. Life does not need an intellectually made purpose in order to be magnificent. Now remind yourself that you don't need one either.

- Find new activities that you can channel your energy into. The Aries energy and Mars retrograde can stimulate aggression or frustration and the last thing we want to do is project that onto others. If we let the inward energy overwhelm us we can become prone to obsessive thinking and compulsive action, rather than healthy contemplation and guided movement. Exercise, playing music, planning for a project, dancing: all are good outlets at this time.

Last but not least, I hope that the weight of the last few months burns away; that as we observe all the areas we are blocking ourselves from truly living, we can open up to true expression. Sometimes it is necessary to dive deeply, get very heavy and unsure of ourselves so that we can explode from the nothingness within, stronger than before and with a greater trust in ourselves. Life is too important to be taken seriously, and I feel that we are learning to move more lightly in our lives, to experience the heaviness first so that we know where it belongs and where we need to let it go.

Safe driving my lovelies,

Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Moon in Sagittarius 12/11/15

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Here we are, on the thresh hold of great transition in our own lives and in the collective. There is much tension being aroused currently by the last remnants of the Pluto-Uranus-Mars T-square that was exact a few days ago. Many issues that we struggled with over the past three years may be poking their heads up to make sure we have truly grown past them. Waves of doubt, insecurity, victimization, aggression, or instability are very likely as Pluto addresses our deep rooted fears, desires, and emotions while Uranus shakes the foundations of our lives in order to break free from the chamber we keep such things hidden.

By all means, none of this is easy.

Plus, we have Mars in the mix adding to the aggression factor; we may feel that we need to take some kind of action in order to solve the problems arising, yet it can be an action taken from a place of panic rather than a deeply guided one that will truly heal our inner grievances. We must practice mindfulness during these times: take deep breaths, meditate, release the energy through grounded physical activity. Such things are constructive ways to channel the restlessness we may be experiencing, rather than running around like a chicken with its head cut off, hopelessly aiming in every single direction.

Now, on Friday, December 11, the New Moon arrives at 19 degrees Sagittarius and offers a path of growth from the prolonged intensity of the aforementioned aspect. As always, the New Moon is the part of the lunar cycle representing birth, initiation, new beginnings, and transforming all we have learned in previous cycles into a seed of intention for the next one. The intentions we set at this lunation has an added constructive growth quality to it as we have Saturn nearby. Saturn is the hard teacher we all had in highschool, but in the end we learned to appreciate the grueling hours of work and study; we become wiser, more mature, and stronger.

Thus is the influence of Saturn on this New Moon, and we as individuals and as part of the Whole of Humanity are encompassed by an energy full of growth and a path to strength if we really truly identify Sagittarian issues which have become outdated and are in need of refreshing and reconstructing:

- What beliefs have we held for so long, without ever questioning? Is there a way to discern these beliefs and build a better foundation without becoming lost in fear and doubt?

- How do I actively express my Truth in life and how do I allow the Ultimate Truth to work through me?

- In what ways can I find greater self-reliance and less dependency on others when it comes to my education, beliefs, religion, search for meaning, and open self-expression?

- Are there mental structures I have become conditioned to that I now need to release in order to allow new, better structures to flow in?

We are dealing with the future a lot right now and trying to understand how we can set ourselves up for the vision we have. Often times this can become overwhelming, so we must remind ourselves to embrace the traits so typical of Sagittarius, which are optimism, freedom, enthusiasm, hope, and faith.

However, we are simultaneously focused on the past because Chiron is square the Sun and Moon and opposing Jupiter nearby the North Node. Old patterns and wounds we've been pushing under the rug are now illuminated by this lunation and irritated by the Pluto-Uranus square. Opposing Jupiter, Chiron brings awareness to the old beliefs we have due to the hurts of the past. We hold on very tightly to the things that hurt us because we want to avoid it in the future, yet living in the past ultimately never even allows a future. The moon revitalizes our will and courage to let go, be free of those old patterns and hurts and beliefs, so that we may walk down our Path more involved with the moment at hand. It takes deep self-enquiry and honesty about the areas of our life we need to: find greater meaning in, release patterns of escape from our reality, and cultivate hard work/realism so that we may accomplish the visions we hold for our future.

Last, but not least, is the saving grace amidst such tense times of questioning our faith and ourselves: Neptune and Venus enter a trine in Pisces and Scorpio shortly after the moon is exact. The easiest way to soothe the burns of the past and the weight of the future is COMPASSION. Infuse compassion in all that you do for yourself, for your family, for your friends, and for every being upon this planet; because the more you act from a place of love, forgiveness and empathy the more you create a greater energetic environment around you, thus lifting the vibration of the world just a little bit higher.

Monday, November 2, 2015

November Energy Report: Open to the Magic of Life

"The best thing you could do is MASTER the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire. YOU ARE THE FIRE." - Mama Indigo

We start off the month with a huge blast of energy. This comes from the third and final Venus and Mars conjunction. The last two happened in February and August, but each conjunction takes place in  a different archetypal energy/sign that colors the aspect.

Here, we have Mars and Venus in Virgo. The energy is more subdued by the analytical, determined, discriminating characteristics of Virgo, but there is another layer that many forget. Virgo is about sacrifice, service, and change while remaining grounded in who we are. It represents a sexuality that is pure because it wants to make sure it is right for us. The planet of the feminine and relationships (Venus) joining the planet of the masculine and sex (Mars) will have us experiencing intense passions and drive whether it be for a new identity, our relationships, or other ventures in our lives. Yet, because of its placement, this aspect will allow us to explore new passions while standing firm at the core of who we are; we might find ourselves being extra critical or detailed in our search for understanding the intense feelings of this time.

November and it's darkening times automatically brings up deeper, darker issues in the individual and collective psyche. It is is the time associated with Scorpio: an intense, emotional, and powerful sign. The energy of this month will be pushing us to a transformation that can only happen when we go deep into our unconscious to unravel the mystery of who we truly are.

As we grow older, the beliefs of our parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and others begin to form thought structures that influence the way we live and perceive our lives. Scorpio's mission is to dig deep, to face the darkness, and find the will to let it go; this month, our mission is the same. In October, we had to deal with integrating and embracing our dark side. This time, however, it is about taking the imbalances we became conscious of last month and finding the courage to eliminate it from our lives so we can find our way back to that equilibrium.

When we reach the place of equilibirum in ourselves, and become aware of our desires/emotions, the magic in life can begin. Scorpionic energy is not all about death, darkness, and the life altering chaos of transformation. It emphasizes intensity, yes, but in the magnetic form of passion. Transformation cannot begin without radical passion and penetrating will.

Life is pointless without passion, and November is brimming with it. There may have been many times recently when you felt subdued, or as if you were walking through a fog, totally unsure of the direction you were headed. Now, however, there is an energy with the penetrating force of lazer beam that will cut through the confusion and drive us to unleash our true desire. That is Scorpio: desire. Life is not suppose to be a repression of the things that make us feel alive, but rather a celebration of it. We are here for a short amount of time, and then we die. The aim this month is to go deep into our own fears trapped in the unconscious so that they can be revealed and burned off by the light of awareness. Your mind is quiet, and your heart is singing. Releasing the fear and opening up allows us to go full force in the direction that fills our soul and adds color to our life.

Scorpio is associated with the magical, the esoteric, and the unfathomable. We try so hard to wrap life up into this neat little box; we try so hard to make it make sense. The truth is that we will never understand the forces at work in the Universe, and it isn't our job to make sense of it. Our role in this lifetime is to find the spark, find the experience that pulls at your spirit, and then joyously embrace it because when you are living out your passionate purpose on this planet then you are doing exactly what you came here to do. You are supporting others through your positive energy that comes with letting go of unnecessary fear and allowing yourself to feel the richness of your life.

This richness of life can also be described as the creative spirit, or sexual energy. This month is electric with the opportunity to really raise our sexual energy, whether it be through the physical act itself or focusing that energy on another area of our lives. Too often we push our sexuality down into the dark because we've been conditioned to shame it, but we must reveal it now. Sexuality means having an appetite for your life. It means that you wake up every morning with a fire in your heart, ready to go out into the world and paint your story with as many bright colors as you can.

So we must open. We must open to facing our darkness that brings imbalance, so that we may restore ourselves to an equilibrium that comes through embracing our totality. We must open to our true desire nature in order to really feel the richness of our lives. We must open to our sexuality because it is the vitality and the warmth and the color in everything.

Obstacles in this energy:
Of course, any time we find such high levels of intensity, desire, and passion; also, do we find extreme obsessiveness, brooding, and compulsion. We must be careful this month to remind ourselves that the end goal is letting go and transformation. This period could easily tip from one extreme of ecstasy to lowest depths of despair, therefore we must move towards a place of learning to utilize our strong emotions towards something more creative, if not productive.

Scorpio often gets stuck in emotional barricades, tending to isolate itself or lash out when it feels threatened. However, usually the things that frighten us in life are more of a self-creation than a reality, so we must watch our thoughts/patterns and recognize the ways in which we create problems that aren't truly there. Practice being aware of the times you get trapped in brooding or extended negativity and rather than contracting inward try to open up.

Lastly, the biggest obstacle will be releasing our attachments: whether it be to people, places, memories, or ideas. We suffer only because we cling and refuse change. The biggest lesson of Scorpio, of this month, of our lives (honestly) is that we cannot control anything besides our own attitudes, therefore resisting change is futile, as is attaching to things outside of ourselves because change is inevitable. By releasing our attachment to the way we see things now or expect to see them in the future, we allow ourselves to relax into the moment and allow for greater opportunities than we could ever plan for ourselves.

Guidance for this month:
- When you feel like contracting and isolating inwards, take the opposite route and open up through forgiveness, gratitude, or talking to people.

- Take time to cultivate a creative pursuit that is just for you and only you.

- During times of pain, confusion, or grieving, recognize that it is a signal that you are transforming. It is not an easy process, but often great chaos precedes great evolution.

- Practice relying on your inner guidance system, choosing your own beliefs. You are not obligated to agree with the opinions of others, go in the same direction, or have passion for what they do. Your magic is your individuality and your ability to embrace others'.

- Get enough rest and physical activity. Learn ways to adjust to the changing sun cycle.

- Recognize the times you feel worried or stressed, and then find the ways you are holding on to tightly/attaching. By becoming aware and breathing through it, we can let go and release into the unfoldment of the present moment.

This month is truly magical, but it will take work on our  part to create it and perceive it. We must go through pressure and expansion and pain in order to transform into something larger than we ever thought possible for ourselves. Once you master the fire within you... well, that's when the real magic begins.

Radiating love your way,

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October: Darkness Fuels The Light


"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." - Sarah Williams 

The beginning of the month has us in a chaotic energy: our minds seemed scattered and overwhelmed by all the things we feel that we need to do. Or, we may generally feel overwhelmed because we don't know what to do. After the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries, we are left feeling illuminated in our need for a new direction, yet we may still be unsure about where these shifts in life are pointing us to.

The first Monday of the month starts us off with a Last Quarter Square Moon on the 3rd. This phase is a balance of light and dark, but with the dark force of nature gaining. In relation to the plant cycle it is a time when the cells begin deconstructing and preparing to fall back to the earth to be transformed. Therefore, this phase of the moon represents a time of revising our thinking and beliefs based on everything we've learned thus far in this period of our lives. The Sabian Symbol of this moon is: A Chinese woman nursing a baby where the aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher. As we are rethinking the direction of our lives and who we are in this earthly existence, we need to recognize that there are parts hidden in ourselves that could have great potential. The outside isn't exactly what it seems, and therefore we must dive deeper to understand our true gifts, our light.

It is also a time of darkening days, and in moon focused astrology this is the time of the season cycle that represents the Balsamic Moon Phase (for a better understanding of the different phases look at: Demetra George). This phase represents a dark phase when the moon begins to disappear to prepare to be reborn at the New Moon. In this phase, we have a greater tendency to retreat into ourselves, purify, release, let go, regenerate, and transform: just like plants do when they wither away in order to release a new seed to be grown.

So, with these phases coloring our entering into this month, we can feel ourselves focusing on... well, darkness. Yet, it is about maintaining the balance (Libra energy which is the sign the sun begins in this month) of the darkness within us (Scorpio energy which is where the sun ends the month). I know that as a society we have come to fear darkness, night, shadows, or anything hidden. However, in ancient societies, the dark times were looked upon as time for transformation and regeneration; Goddesses of the night such as Nyx were even told to have created the world.
In many cultures, practices such as meditation and past life regression focus upon going into an unconscious state of silence and darkness in order to be further revealed to our true selves.

The Universe this month is pushing us to do the same. It wants us to ask:
- What do I repress within myself? What parts of myself do I find undesirable or unacceptable?
- How might I feel if I let go of being scared to embrace all parts of myself? What would that look like?
- In what ways can I shift my negative thoughts into something positive?
- What is the difference between dark and light?

Just like love and hate, dark and light are two sides of the same coin. Everything has a balance of both: the moon with one side fully illuminated and the other in complete shadow; our days with 12 hours of sunshine and twelve hours of starlight; our seasons with half the year focused on beginnings and celebration and the other half of deconstructing and transforming. We too, as humans, are a complex arrangement of dark and light, but we need to stop viewing it as bad and good. It is a time to recognize the parts we repress within ourselves and choose to embrace it! The more we embrace ourselves, the more balanced we are, the more whole we are, and the closer we get to understanding what we really need to feel at peace.

Rather than pushing to make an immediate decision about where we want to go in our lives right this second, we are being asked to slow down, understand ourselves better, and feel our way to a new path rather than think our way there. When we know what we truly desire and need, then we can take better decisive action to travel towards it and project better energy to attract it! This month we have a permission slip to expose ourselves to desires we've kept hidden, open up to passions we've denied, expand the horizons of our life and relationships, and find the creative force to empower ourselves!

Guidances for this month:
- Take time to explore in nature, find a quiet spot, and enjoy stillness. It's hard to find in these busy times.

- Find something to practice that speaks to you: yoga, meditation, dance, running, boxing, etc. Anything that will push you to focus and create more balance.

- Notice when you project your fears onto other people; when you get in a disagreement or find yourself very irritable, see how those things are actually repressed within yourself.

- Get more sleep than you normally do, as your body adjusts to the seasonal changes.

- Be open to changes in your life direction, personal perspectives, and close relationships. There may be many shifts, but trust that you're being guided towards something more aligned with what you're projecting.

- Practice shifting your reactions and thoughts towards reflecting what you want rather than don't want. Recognize times you seem extremely self critical, fear making decisions, or give away your personal power; grow from the darkness by shifting your direction.

- Be grateful: bless your meals, hug your loved ones, say a prayer of thanks for where you are right now.

- Give yourself permission to explore your dark side. It really is okay, and you might even be surprised by the potential you find there.

Let your darkness fuel your light, and vice versa. No one would ever see any stars without the night!

Radiating love your way,

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Autumnal Equinox


On September 23rd, the Earth reached its point of revolution where the minutes of light and dark were even, also known as the equinox. From this point forward we are in a season of decreasing light until we reach the Winter solstice in December.

Many of you may be feeling a shift in the air, not only in the physical sense, but also in the way we collectively express ourselves. In astrology and other esoteric forms of science, it is a well known fact that we are infinitely linked to the rhythms of the universe and the earth. While we like to consider ourselves more highly evolved than other creatures roaming around in the forests, we are still animals at a primitive level. Just as the bear and the fox prepare for hibernation with the onset of darkening days and cooler climate, we too feel an involuntary shift in our make up.

Our body is full of routines and patterns that we often aren't aware of. The energy/vitality we retained in the fruition period of the summer starts to dwindle with the arrival of fall as we enter a period characterized by maintenance, sensual pleasures, and decay. Our capacity for energy has shifted and we must learn to be more conservative.

Let me emphasize that none of this is bad.

In the way I've begun to look at astrology I've realized that every aspect of life goes through an inevitable cycle that includes a peak of light and a peak of dark. We see the peaks of life in the phases corresponding to the Full Moon, and we see the phases of dark corresponding to the three day period before the New Moon, called the Dark Moon Phase.

In ancient societies such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and even the Paleolithic cultures the dark phase of the Moon represented a time in which the Goddess went into hiding so that she could die, transform, rejuvenate, and then be reborn into betterment.

In moon affiliated astrology, the seasons each represent a phase of the moon: Winter represents the New Moon - a period of initiation, birth, new beginnings, and an increase towards light. Spring is equal to the First Quarter Square - the beginnings we've set in motion are quickening and reaching illumination. Summer is the Full Moon - a time of fruition, creation, and manifestation of the last six months. It is when light is at it's maximum and we hold great energy and vitality. Finally, Autumn corresponds to the Dark Moon Phase, wherein life disappears in order to shed its old forms and be reborn or reawakened at the initiation period.

As we move into the next three months we must be aware of the energies at play so that we don't fear the darkness ahead. The Dark Goddess must go through this phase, as we all do. This energetic period is about letting go of old, limiting beliefs about ourselves personally, and on a larger scale for society as well. While in these darks days, it is as if we are taking all that we've experienced in the previous cycle and harvesting it for new use later down the road. It can almost feel as if we've gone into retrograde: we focus on the past; we revise, rethink, and reorient; we turn away from that which no longer serves our spiritual journey.

The archetypal energy of this period:

September through December is home to the zodiac signs of Libra (September 23-October 22), Scorpio (October 23-November 22nd), and Sagittarius (November 23-December 22)

As we move into this time period with the catalyst of the Equinox, the energy that is most potent is Libra's. The energy is artistic, socially inclined, harmonic, diplomatic, peaceable, prizes beauty, and yearns towards love and approval. Libra on the lower level of the personality is revolved around the partner or the other. It represents the fulfillment of intimate relationships - balancing the self and the other. However, Libra at its higher octave, esoteric, soul level has a different purpose: "a pause, an interlude, a time of assessment, and a point of contemplation." Libra is a very polarized energy that deals with, "the energy fields of [the] two fundamental poles of human nature ( When we allow the Libra energy in ourselves to arise we have to reorient the focus of our relationships into something greater than the quixotic aspects of life - to focus on a more impersonal contribution to the collective.

So, as we begin this new season, collectively we are focusing on more sensual pleasures, balance in our relationships, artistic creativity, and agreeable compromise. However, the issues of where we give away our power, fears around making decisions, avoidance of conflict, and learning to feel complete with ourselves are prominent themes. The key phrase is, "I balance."

From there we move into the dark, mysterious energy of Scorpio that deals with the issues of passion, sex, death, and rebirth. After the transformation of Scorpio the energy flows into the high idealism of Sagittarius that addresses our beliefs, religion, education, law, and philosophy. As those months come along I intend to go more in depth about the characteristic energies we'll be dealing with in a Monthly Energy Reading.

Until then, I hope the analysis of the Equinox, the Moon, and Libra energy has helped you feel grounded in a sense of better understanding. Awareness, I believe, cultivates happiness and certainly clarity. Allow yourself to rest in these next few months, and open yourself up to the shadows within that you may have suppressed, for in releasing our darkness to the forefront we allow its integration with our light to become more whole.

Radiating love your way,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Capricorn Full Moon 7/1/15


This is truly a time of deep letting go, and being honest with ourselves about what really needs to stay. We must get down to the core, the bone, of our desires and goals. We must trace ourselves back to the Source and our ancestry. We must get in touch with our spirit. All is of importance under this Capricorn Full Moon, exact at 10:19 p.m. ETC.

The moon is opposing the sun in Cancer. On one side we are being called to get in touch with our roots, our family, our emotional needs and wishes. Yet, on the other hand, Capricorn asks us to see the areas in our life we need to simplify... and then be responsible for! It is a matter of balancing what we project without and what hold inside ourselves.

Interestingly, Cancer is associated with the stomach. Many people born under Cancer or with it as a significant house ruler, have digestive problems. My sixth house of health and wellness is indeed ruled by Cancer and for many years I've struggled with stomach issues. However, quite miraculously today under the illuminating period, I've finally found a natural therapist that is guiding me to heal my stomach and "listen to my gut" (hahahaha). The light of both the sun and the moon has revealed something I have been working towards for so long. And I am thankful.

So, bringing it full circle, I believe the Cancer sun is also asking us to go back to our gut. I know that sounds... well, odd. Just realize, though, that when we were first born our stomach/gut was how we understood the world. When we were hungry, uncomfortable, or in need of something we realized it from our gut understanding and cried for assistance. Cancer is asking us to stop thinking so much and rather to start feeling through our bodies and core emotional needs. Capricorn is giving us the will to answer these needs for ourselves.

Be thankful for this time and strong, grounded energy. There is so much abundance, so much light, so much love. Many things are coming, if not already here.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

4/4 Libra Lunar Eclipse


Yesterday marked the third lunar eclipse out of a total of four (the next doesn't arrive until March 2016). These moons are moving through the polarities of Aires and Libra; individualization and relationships; independence and dependence; self and others.

The moon holds all of our emotion, habits, and addictions. It is where we look to see all the ways we comfort ourself and at the same time secretly release.

With this lunar eclipse in Libra, there will be a strong emphasis on relationships, and depending on the house it falls into it could be about past relations, present circumstances, or potential developments. Maybe even a combination of them all.

The moon opposes the Sun and Uranus in Aires, and both form a tense square with Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun is a force of self-realization. It reflects how we best shine our light and what path will lead us to our true soul embodiment. Uranus reflects the areas we need to gain autonomy and freedom in. Truly, you can't escape the transpersonal and shocking force Uranus has.

With all these aspects there is a very synchronized pattern forming, although it may be unclear at first. The lunar eclipse breaks down the barriers of our minds so that we can consciously recognize our subconscious patterns. Since this is happening in Libra, everyone may experience insights into their personal dependence on other people, or their addictions in relationships. This could come in multiple forms. Maybe you've always had a habit of letting others control too much of your emotions? Or perhaps, you've continuously attracted unhealthy relationships?

Whatever you find in this subconscious realm, embrace it, and release. Lunar eclipses, especially with oppositional aspects, tend to draw out our hidden truths so that we can forgive, change and release them.

On the opposite spectrum in Aires (the activating, fiery and self oriented style) we have the Sun coupled with Uranus. These self liberating forces are being stretched out and brought into relation with Libra due to their oppositional position. This is a time of understanding where you need greater freedom in order to induce more self love and (going back to this relationship theme) a better relationship with you.

Simultaneously, we are learning to have a better relationship with ourselves, allowing ourselves great freedom to fall in love with out life, all the while coming to terms with our addictions in relationships and releasing them. It all comes full circle. These polar transformations are being drawn out so that they can meet in the middle to help us realize more balance in every kind of relationship. By loving the badass goddess that you truly are, you are better able to love all the people in your life. It's a win-win scenario.

This is all happening, and then we have Pluto, this deep, shocking, unescapable force, in Capricorn. Pluto feeds transformation. It's square in all the pre mentioned aspects suggest that there will be a bit of tension, stress and emotional purging in order to transform our relationship patterns. Capricorn is sober and dignified; it gets the job done. Basically, Pluto is forcing us to get our shit together, and won't have it any other way. Pluto is saying, "This self-loathing and dependency on others for happiness is bullshit and it's time for something new."

IT'S TIME TO TREAT YOSELF, to balanced, inspiring and healthy exchanges with the other spirits roaming this Earth. Like I said, this may all be a little unclear at first, but as the month progresses there will be some major transformations... If you awaken to them.

Let the stars awaken you.