Saturday, September 26, 2015

Autumnal Equinox


On September 23rd, the Earth reached its point of revolution where the minutes of light and dark were even, also known as the equinox. From this point forward we are in a season of decreasing light until we reach the Winter solstice in December.

Many of you may be feeling a shift in the air, not only in the physical sense, but also in the way we collectively express ourselves. In astrology and other esoteric forms of science, it is a well known fact that we are infinitely linked to the rhythms of the universe and the earth. While we like to consider ourselves more highly evolved than other creatures roaming around in the forests, we are still animals at a primitive level. Just as the bear and the fox prepare for hibernation with the onset of darkening days and cooler climate, we too feel an involuntary shift in our make up.

Our body is full of routines and patterns that we often aren't aware of. The energy/vitality we retained in the fruition period of the summer starts to dwindle with the arrival of fall as we enter a period characterized by maintenance, sensual pleasures, and decay. Our capacity for energy has shifted and we must learn to be more conservative.

Let me emphasize that none of this is bad.

In the way I've begun to look at astrology I've realized that every aspect of life goes through an inevitable cycle that includes a peak of light and a peak of dark. We see the peaks of life in the phases corresponding to the Full Moon, and we see the phases of dark corresponding to the three day period before the New Moon, called the Dark Moon Phase.

In ancient societies such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and even the Paleolithic cultures the dark phase of the Moon represented a time in which the Goddess went into hiding so that she could die, transform, rejuvenate, and then be reborn into betterment.

In moon affiliated astrology, the seasons each represent a phase of the moon: Winter represents the New Moon - a period of initiation, birth, new beginnings, and an increase towards light. Spring is equal to the First Quarter Square - the beginnings we've set in motion are quickening and reaching illumination. Summer is the Full Moon - a time of fruition, creation, and manifestation of the last six months. It is when light is at it's maximum and we hold great energy and vitality. Finally, Autumn corresponds to the Dark Moon Phase, wherein life disappears in order to shed its old forms and be reborn or reawakened at the initiation period.

As we move into the next three months we must be aware of the energies at play so that we don't fear the darkness ahead. The Dark Goddess must go through this phase, as we all do. This energetic period is about letting go of old, limiting beliefs about ourselves personally, and on a larger scale for society as well. While in these darks days, it is as if we are taking all that we've experienced in the previous cycle and harvesting it for new use later down the road. It can almost feel as if we've gone into retrograde: we focus on the past; we revise, rethink, and reorient; we turn away from that which no longer serves our spiritual journey.

The archetypal energy of this period:

September through December is home to the zodiac signs of Libra (September 23-October 22), Scorpio (October 23-November 22nd), and Sagittarius (November 23-December 22)

As we move into this time period with the catalyst of the Equinox, the energy that is most potent is Libra's. The energy is artistic, socially inclined, harmonic, diplomatic, peaceable, prizes beauty, and yearns towards love and approval. Libra on the lower level of the personality is revolved around the partner or the other. It represents the fulfillment of intimate relationships - balancing the self and the other. However, Libra at its higher octave, esoteric, soul level has a different purpose: "a pause, an interlude, a time of assessment, and a point of contemplation." Libra is a very polarized energy that deals with, "the energy fields of [the] two fundamental poles of human nature ( When we allow the Libra energy in ourselves to arise we have to reorient the focus of our relationships into something greater than the quixotic aspects of life - to focus on a more impersonal contribution to the collective.

So, as we begin this new season, collectively we are focusing on more sensual pleasures, balance in our relationships, artistic creativity, and agreeable compromise. However, the issues of where we give away our power, fears around making decisions, avoidance of conflict, and learning to feel complete with ourselves are prominent themes. The key phrase is, "I balance."

From there we move into the dark, mysterious energy of Scorpio that deals with the issues of passion, sex, death, and rebirth. After the transformation of Scorpio the energy flows into the high idealism of Sagittarius that addresses our beliefs, religion, education, law, and philosophy. As those months come along I intend to go more in depth about the characteristic energies we'll be dealing with in a Monthly Energy Reading.

Until then, I hope the analysis of the Equinox, the Moon, and Libra energy has helped you feel grounded in a sense of better understanding. Awareness, I believe, cultivates happiness and certainly clarity. Allow yourself to rest in these next few months, and open yourself up to the shadows within that you may have suppressed, for in releasing our darkness to the forefront we allow its integration with our light to become more whole.

Radiating love your way,

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