Monday, November 2, 2015

November Energy Report: Open to the Magic of Life

"The best thing you could do is MASTER the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire. YOU ARE THE FIRE." - Mama Indigo

We start off the month with a huge blast of energy. This comes from the third and final Venus and Mars conjunction. The last two happened in February and August, but each conjunction takes place in  a different archetypal energy/sign that colors the aspect.

Here, we have Mars and Venus in Virgo. The energy is more subdued by the analytical, determined, discriminating characteristics of Virgo, but there is another layer that many forget. Virgo is about sacrifice, service, and change while remaining grounded in who we are. It represents a sexuality that is pure because it wants to make sure it is right for us. The planet of the feminine and relationships (Venus) joining the planet of the masculine and sex (Mars) will have us experiencing intense passions and drive whether it be for a new identity, our relationships, or other ventures in our lives. Yet, because of its placement, this aspect will allow us to explore new passions while standing firm at the core of who we are; we might find ourselves being extra critical or detailed in our search for understanding the intense feelings of this time.

November and it's darkening times automatically brings up deeper, darker issues in the individual and collective psyche. It is is the time associated with Scorpio: an intense, emotional, and powerful sign. The energy of this month will be pushing us to a transformation that can only happen when we go deep into our unconscious to unravel the mystery of who we truly are.

As we grow older, the beliefs of our parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and others begin to form thought structures that influence the way we live and perceive our lives. Scorpio's mission is to dig deep, to face the darkness, and find the will to let it go; this month, our mission is the same. In October, we had to deal with integrating and embracing our dark side. This time, however, it is about taking the imbalances we became conscious of last month and finding the courage to eliminate it from our lives so we can find our way back to that equilibrium.

When we reach the place of equilibirum in ourselves, and become aware of our desires/emotions, the magic in life can begin. Scorpionic energy is not all about death, darkness, and the life altering chaos of transformation. It emphasizes intensity, yes, but in the magnetic form of passion. Transformation cannot begin without radical passion and penetrating will.

Life is pointless without passion, and November is brimming with it. There may have been many times recently when you felt subdued, or as if you were walking through a fog, totally unsure of the direction you were headed. Now, however, there is an energy with the penetrating force of lazer beam that will cut through the confusion and drive us to unleash our true desire. That is Scorpio: desire. Life is not suppose to be a repression of the things that make us feel alive, but rather a celebration of it. We are here for a short amount of time, and then we die. The aim this month is to go deep into our own fears trapped in the unconscious so that they can be revealed and burned off by the light of awareness. Your mind is quiet, and your heart is singing. Releasing the fear and opening up allows us to go full force in the direction that fills our soul and adds color to our life.

Scorpio is associated with the magical, the esoteric, and the unfathomable. We try so hard to wrap life up into this neat little box; we try so hard to make it make sense. The truth is that we will never understand the forces at work in the Universe, and it isn't our job to make sense of it. Our role in this lifetime is to find the spark, find the experience that pulls at your spirit, and then joyously embrace it because when you are living out your passionate purpose on this planet then you are doing exactly what you came here to do. You are supporting others through your positive energy that comes with letting go of unnecessary fear and allowing yourself to feel the richness of your life.

This richness of life can also be described as the creative spirit, or sexual energy. This month is electric with the opportunity to really raise our sexual energy, whether it be through the physical act itself or focusing that energy on another area of our lives. Too often we push our sexuality down into the dark because we've been conditioned to shame it, but we must reveal it now. Sexuality means having an appetite for your life. It means that you wake up every morning with a fire in your heart, ready to go out into the world and paint your story with as many bright colors as you can.

So we must open. We must open to facing our darkness that brings imbalance, so that we may restore ourselves to an equilibrium that comes through embracing our totality. We must open to our true desire nature in order to really feel the richness of our lives. We must open to our sexuality because it is the vitality and the warmth and the color in everything.

Obstacles in this energy:
Of course, any time we find such high levels of intensity, desire, and passion; also, do we find extreme obsessiveness, brooding, and compulsion. We must be careful this month to remind ourselves that the end goal is letting go and transformation. This period could easily tip from one extreme of ecstasy to lowest depths of despair, therefore we must move towards a place of learning to utilize our strong emotions towards something more creative, if not productive.

Scorpio often gets stuck in emotional barricades, tending to isolate itself or lash out when it feels threatened. However, usually the things that frighten us in life are more of a self-creation than a reality, so we must watch our thoughts/patterns and recognize the ways in which we create problems that aren't truly there. Practice being aware of the times you get trapped in brooding or extended negativity and rather than contracting inward try to open up.

Lastly, the biggest obstacle will be releasing our attachments: whether it be to people, places, memories, or ideas. We suffer only because we cling and refuse change. The biggest lesson of Scorpio, of this month, of our lives (honestly) is that we cannot control anything besides our own attitudes, therefore resisting change is futile, as is attaching to things outside of ourselves because change is inevitable. By releasing our attachment to the way we see things now or expect to see them in the future, we allow ourselves to relax into the moment and allow for greater opportunities than we could ever plan for ourselves.

Guidance for this month:
- When you feel like contracting and isolating inwards, take the opposite route and open up through forgiveness, gratitude, or talking to people.

- Take time to cultivate a creative pursuit that is just for you and only you.

- During times of pain, confusion, or grieving, recognize that it is a signal that you are transforming. It is not an easy process, but often great chaos precedes great evolution.

- Practice relying on your inner guidance system, choosing your own beliefs. You are not obligated to agree with the opinions of others, go in the same direction, or have passion for what they do. Your magic is your individuality and your ability to embrace others'.

- Get enough rest and physical activity. Learn ways to adjust to the changing sun cycle.

- Recognize the times you feel worried or stressed, and then find the ways you are holding on to tightly/attaching. By becoming aware and breathing through it, we can let go and release into the unfoldment of the present moment.

This month is truly magical, but it will take work on our  part to create it and perceive it. We must go through pressure and expansion and pain in order to transform into something larger than we ever thought possible for ourselves. Once you master the fire within you... well, that's when the real magic begins.

Radiating love your way,

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