Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Moon in Sagittarius 12/11/15

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Here we are, on the thresh hold of great transition in our own lives and in the collective. There is much tension being aroused currently by the last remnants of the Pluto-Uranus-Mars T-square that was exact a few days ago. Many issues that we struggled with over the past three years may be poking their heads up to make sure we have truly grown past them. Waves of doubt, insecurity, victimization, aggression, or instability are very likely as Pluto addresses our deep rooted fears, desires, and emotions while Uranus shakes the foundations of our lives in order to break free from the chamber we keep such things hidden.

By all means, none of this is easy.

Plus, we have Mars in the mix adding to the aggression factor; we may feel that we need to take some kind of action in order to solve the problems arising, yet it can be an action taken from a place of panic rather than a deeply guided one that will truly heal our inner grievances. We must practice mindfulness during these times: take deep breaths, meditate, release the energy through grounded physical activity. Such things are constructive ways to channel the restlessness we may be experiencing, rather than running around like a chicken with its head cut off, hopelessly aiming in every single direction.

Now, on Friday, December 11, the New Moon arrives at 19 degrees Sagittarius and offers a path of growth from the prolonged intensity of the aforementioned aspect. As always, the New Moon is the part of the lunar cycle representing birth, initiation, new beginnings, and transforming all we have learned in previous cycles into a seed of intention for the next one. The intentions we set at this lunation has an added constructive growth quality to it as we have Saturn nearby. Saturn is the hard teacher we all had in highschool, but in the end we learned to appreciate the grueling hours of work and study; we become wiser, more mature, and stronger.

Thus is the influence of Saturn on this New Moon, and we as individuals and as part of the Whole of Humanity are encompassed by an energy full of growth and a path to strength if we really truly identify Sagittarian issues which have become outdated and are in need of refreshing and reconstructing:

- What beliefs have we held for so long, without ever questioning? Is there a way to discern these beliefs and build a better foundation without becoming lost in fear and doubt?

- How do I actively express my Truth in life and how do I allow the Ultimate Truth to work through me?

- In what ways can I find greater self-reliance and less dependency on others when it comes to my education, beliefs, religion, search for meaning, and open self-expression?

- Are there mental structures I have become conditioned to that I now need to release in order to allow new, better structures to flow in?

We are dealing with the future a lot right now and trying to understand how we can set ourselves up for the vision we have. Often times this can become overwhelming, so we must remind ourselves to embrace the traits so typical of Sagittarius, which are optimism, freedom, enthusiasm, hope, and faith.

However, we are simultaneously focused on the past because Chiron is square the Sun and Moon and opposing Jupiter nearby the North Node. Old patterns and wounds we've been pushing under the rug are now illuminated by this lunation and irritated by the Pluto-Uranus square. Opposing Jupiter, Chiron brings awareness to the old beliefs we have due to the hurts of the past. We hold on very tightly to the things that hurt us because we want to avoid it in the future, yet living in the past ultimately never even allows a future. The moon revitalizes our will and courage to let go, be free of those old patterns and hurts and beliefs, so that we may walk down our Path more involved with the moment at hand. It takes deep self-enquiry and honesty about the areas of our life we need to: find greater meaning in, release patterns of escape from our reality, and cultivate hard work/realism so that we may accomplish the visions we hold for our future.

Last, but not least, is the saving grace amidst such tense times of questioning our faith and ourselves: Neptune and Venus enter a trine in Pisces and Scorpio shortly after the moon is exact. The easiest way to soothe the burns of the past and the weight of the future is COMPASSION. Infuse compassion in all that you do for yourself, for your family, for your friends, and for every being upon this planet; because the more you act from a place of love, forgiveness and empathy the more you create a greater energetic environment around you, thus lifting the vibration of the world just a little bit higher.