Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Capricorn Full Moon 7/1/15


This is truly a time of deep letting go, and being honest with ourselves about what really needs to stay. We must get down to the core, the bone, of our desires and goals. We must trace ourselves back to the Source and our ancestry. We must get in touch with our spirit. All is of importance under this Capricorn Full Moon, exact at 10:19 p.m. ETC.

The moon is opposing the sun in Cancer. On one side we are being called to get in touch with our roots, our family, our emotional needs and wishes. Yet, on the other hand, Capricorn asks us to see the areas in our life we need to simplify... and then be responsible for! It is a matter of balancing what we project without and what hold inside ourselves.

Interestingly, Cancer is associated with the stomach. Many people born under Cancer or with it as a significant house ruler, have digestive problems. My sixth house of health and wellness is indeed ruled by Cancer and for many years I've struggled with stomach issues. However, quite miraculously today under the illuminating period, I've finally found a natural therapist that is guiding me to heal my stomach and "listen to my gut" (hahahaha). The light of both the sun and the moon has revealed something I have been working towards for so long. And I am thankful.

So, bringing it full circle, I believe the Cancer sun is also asking us to go back to our gut. I know that sounds... well, odd. Just realize, though, that when we were first born our stomach/gut was how we understood the world. When we were hungry, uncomfortable, or in need of something we realized it from our gut understanding and cried for assistance. Cancer is asking us to stop thinking so much and rather to start feeling through our bodies and core emotional needs. Capricorn is giving us the will to answer these needs for ourselves.

Be thankful for this time and strong, grounded energy. There is so much abundance, so much light, so much love. Many things are coming, if not already here.
