Sunday, April 5, 2015

4/4 Libra Lunar Eclipse


Yesterday marked the third lunar eclipse out of a total of four (the next doesn't arrive until March 2016). These moons are moving through the polarities of Aires and Libra; individualization and relationships; independence and dependence; self and others.

The moon holds all of our emotion, habits, and addictions. It is where we look to see all the ways we comfort ourself and at the same time secretly release.

With this lunar eclipse in Libra, there will be a strong emphasis on relationships, and depending on the house it falls into it could be about past relations, present circumstances, or potential developments. Maybe even a combination of them all.

The moon opposes the Sun and Uranus in Aires, and both form a tense square with Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun is a force of self-realization. It reflects how we best shine our light and what path will lead us to our true soul embodiment. Uranus reflects the areas we need to gain autonomy and freedom in. Truly, you can't escape the transpersonal and shocking force Uranus has.

With all these aspects there is a very synchronized pattern forming, although it may be unclear at first. The lunar eclipse breaks down the barriers of our minds so that we can consciously recognize our subconscious patterns. Since this is happening in Libra, everyone may experience insights into their personal dependence on other people, or their addictions in relationships. This could come in multiple forms. Maybe you've always had a habit of letting others control too much of your emotions? Or perhaps, you've continuously attracted unhealthy relationships?

Whatever you find in this subconscious realm, embrace it, and release. Lunar eclipses, especially with oppositional aspects, tend to draw out our hidden truths so that we can forgive, change and release them.

On the opposite spectrum in Aires (the activating, fiery and self oriented style) we have the Sun coupled with Uranus. These self liberating forces are being stretched out and brought into relation with Libra due to their oppositional position. This is a time of understanding where you need greater freedom in order to induce more self love and (going back to this relationship theme) a better relationship with you.

Simultaneously, we are learning to have a better relationship with ourselves, allowing ourselves great freedom to fall in love with out life, all the while coming to terms with our addictions in relationships and releasing them. It all comes full circle. These polar transformations are being drawn out so that they can meet in the middle to help us realize more balance in every kind of relationship. By loving the badass goddess that you truly are, you are better able to love all the people in your life. It's a win-win scenario.

This is all happening, and then we have Pluto, this deep, shocking, unescapable force, in Capricorn. Pluto feeds transformation. It's square in all the pre mentioned aspects suggest that there will be a bit of tension, stress and emotional purging in order to transform our relationship patterns. Capricorn is sober and dignified; it gets the job done. Basically, Pluto is forcing us to get our shit together, and won't have it any other way. Pluto is saying, "This self-loathing and dependency on others for happiness is bullshit and it's time for something new."

IT'S TIME TO TREAT YOSELF, to balanced, inspiring and healthy exchanges with the other spirits roaming this Earth. Like I said, this may all be a little unclear at first, but as the month progresses there will be some major transformations... If you awaken to them.

Let the stars awaken you.